Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fake plastic petals

Line study using botanical forms. I chose fake flowers as subjects since they were readily available at the moment, but I see now it would have made no difference if they were from the dirt outside my door.

{Contour with varied line weight. Bamboo pen & India ink}

{scribbled gesture line in 4B graphite}

{hatched line}

{cross hatched line}

{Calligraphic line with drawing brush & ink}

{Contour varied line weight in soft graphite}

{Scribbled gesture line in ink}

{mixed hatched line in hard graphite}

{HB, 2B, 8B graphite poppies.  Just for fun}

Happy Friday to all. 
The weather report is showing rain drops...ironically, I am scheduled to be part of a parade tomorrow morning and attend another involving boats adorned with Christmas lights at the harbor in the evening (my favorite!)  So it may just rain on BOTH my parades.
Oh life.