With so much inspiration and not enough places to put it I've decided to start a journal. I think we all have a desire to share the things we love, so I will consider this a place to keep images of my hometown (Santa Cruz, Ca), found treasures, experiments, art projects, new discoveries, and other things that add goodness to my life.
Just a few moments ago I was clicking around on Pinterest, a place dedicated to creating online inspiration boards, putting together groups of images I found especially pretty. To me this type of visual daydreaming is very satisfying and now my mind is wandering off to a place that surely doesn't exist: my dream house. I've moved several times in my adult life and each time tried to create a safe haven of homey-ness in my new surroundings, no matter how far fetched that idea was. My first apartment, for example, was a one-room shoebox with electricity above a hair salon and a French restaurant. Although I'm pretty sure my neighbor was a drug dealer and most of the bathroom's plumbing wasn't concealed by walls, I spent my days and dollars on new paint and put up floral curtains anyway. It wasn't pretty (or safe. I really don't think it was safe) but the point is, I tried. To this day, despite less than perfect living arrangements I hold tightly to the idea that someday my house will also feel like home and maybe, just maybe, it will look something like this.
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