Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Candy Colors

On a whim, I put a little color in my hair using this technique which is temporary and easy.  I bought Senellier chalk pastels from the good art store as suggested in the tutorial, which cost about $5 a pop but they really are the best and they make every my little pony mane color you could imagine.
 {I know they're the best because now everything in my bathroom is pink} 

It was suggested that you NOT use water for blonde hair.  I did because I'd like the color to stay for a little longer but the pigment is very rich and transferred easily on dry hair too.

One thing I will say about this technique is that it is obviously hair abuse.  The chalk sucks the life out of every strand and especially if you spent the last 10 years mistreating your hair by dying it blonde {moi}, the end result is going to be somewhat crunchy. I think it's a good idea if you're considering a permanent rainbow dye job though. If you have silky smooth non-abused hair I'm sure you'd end up with a more desirable texture.
Overall this is a fun mix of art project/science experiment


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